
I really like to play with photography.




So my boss is selling his business and I am not sure what exactly i am supposed to do with that. To continue with this job I now have feels very very wrong now that he is selling. Something about it makes me very uncomfortable and uneasy; it just feels very very wrong for me and I can't really explain why. With all this comes a new wave of, desparity, because I really want to know what I SHOULD be doing, if this current job is wrong. It's like Colorado can't happen fast enough. Yes, this new position with my boss selling his business has really upset the equilibrium I have in my life.

To top things off, you all remember Lea right? Well she sent me a message today saying she was getting married. That's something I really didn't want to know at all. I'm in a catch 22 because I would like to see our friendship restored but at the same time, I really don't want anything more to do with her. I hate myself for that. But water off the duck right? What's done is done, what's said is said and it's better if she dosn't ever talk to me again and vice-versa. I don't care if she reads my blogs or not and I am thankful that she is praying for me (I am praying for her) but yeah. Anyways...
I hope everything is going well for everyone else!
God Bless
P.S. Lissy, if you read this my friend, then SMILE! :D


Soon to be in Sync

Hey there,

So if you don't know what the title means, you may want to stp reading now. If you're curious but realize you might not understand it, continue reading.
I am now one step closer to locking my audio recording gear to Video Blackburst! It will be a momentous occasion! Basically, it means the things I record will be going the same speed as video. I've been waiting for this day for a very long time because my system is becoming more and more 'elite' as time goes on; it's getting more complex and I like that! Complex means my mind gets to work some more and I actually have to think about things. Like making sure projects are running with the right timecode and sync reference, routing the sync and timecode through all the gear, making sure devices are slaved to the external source and aren't referencing their speed internally and yeah. Good times. I may sound crazy, but i actually MISS working with timecode and sync. The last time i did it, I spent all day trying to capture on-set dialogue into Pro-tools HD with the TC stamp we gave it while on-set. You wouldn't think audio engineering would fry your brain but by the end of the day i couldn't function at all; The only thing I could do was sit and veg. in front of a movie.
Yes, I'm looking forward to the day i face those challenges again! Woohooo!


An Answer to a popular question

So Hi there,

I see a few people do actually read this. They both asked me similar questions about this school in Colorado. It's the University of Colorado in Denver that I am trying to get into and the number of years I am there will depend on whether or not I can apply straight to the masters program or not. If not, I'll probably have to only take 2-3 classes to get my bachelors equivalent. So, I could be there for no more than 2 and a half years. We shall see what happens though; I finally got them my syllabi so i should have an answer from them soon enough.
Anyways, I should get going.