
I really like to play with photography.




So my boss is selling his business and I am not sure what exactly i am supposed to do with that. To continue with this job I now have feels very very wrong now that he is selling. Something about it makes me very uncomfortable and uneasy; it just feels very very wrong for me and I can't really explain why. With all this comes a new wave of, desparity, because I really want to know what I SHOULD be doing, if this current job is wrong. It's like Colorado can't happen fast enough. Yes, this new position with my boss selling his business has really upset the equilibrium I have in my life.

To top things off, you all remember Lea right? Well she sent me a message today saying she was getting married. That's something I really didn't want to know at all. I'm in a catch 22 because I would like to see our friendship restored but at the same time, I really don't want anything more to do with her. I hate myself for that. But water off the duck right? What's done is done, what's said is said and it's better if she dosn't ever talk to me again and vice-versa. I don't care if she reads my blogs or not and I am thankful that she is praying for me (I am praying for her) but yeah. Anyways...
I hope everything is going well for everyone else!
God Bless
P.S. Lissy, if you read this my friend, then SMILE! :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, that sux about the job. That seems harsh about the chick but they can be real b****** sometimes and you're probably better off without her. I'm new to your blog, what'd she do anyways? if she cheated on you then she's a wh*** and will probably do the same to the new guy so your lucky you got out before you married her.