
I really like to play with photography.


A dream

I had had a very weird dream last night. It's not often that my dreams disturb me or make me uncomfortable, but this one did. I don't remember all of the exact details (they were gone from my memory when I woke up) but I remember the gist of it. I was a doctor in some very remote village in the jungle. There was this man and a few people who followed him that placed themselves in charge of the village. He wasn't from the village, like myself, he was from a sophisticated society and he controlled this village for some odd reason. I guess as the doctor, I had suspicions about the way in which some people fell ill or were dying. I can't remember the exact circumstances, but I ended up treating someone and discovered something. I could cure the disease but this guy didn't want me to and I guess on my way to look for the cure, this guy brought his friends and these tracking dogs and big machine guns and were trying to catch and either imprison or kill me. I ended up sliding down this steep embankment, covered with large fern-like plants, big trees, moss and all the jungle stuff you'd see. Anyways, it ended at this cliff and at the bottom was a river that passed through my home town. So I jumped into the river and floated away. I guess I hadn't seen my family (I was married) in years and when I got to my town, i got out of the river and ran to my house. I was being chased by a supposed friend of mine who wanted to take me back to the village and who was saying that I wasn't allowed to see my family. Our house was like a trailer and had a small yard/entrance way with a white picket fence. As this friend of mine was trying to catch me, my son came running home from school and saw me and ran towards me. My friend caught up to me, as I had stopped and was yelling out for my son to come to me. My son reached me and I embraced him, crying. Seeing as my son had saw me, my friend allowed me to go inside the house, where my wife was. I guess it had been years since we had seen eachother, she (like the girl i always dream about) had long black hair, was caucasian, and very beautiful. Only, this time her hair had a hint of grey, as we were both older. I embraced her, crying. She was so happy to see me and to see that I was back but it was short lived because I was being forced to go back to this village in the jungle. I had two children, a son and a daughter, who surprisingly weren't that old, and I so desperately wanted to stay with my family. My wife didn't want me to go either so I had said that I would cooperate only if they could come with me. My friend said that the guy in the village didn't need my wife for anything, he needed a doctor, but I guess my wife was currently in the process of learning to be a doctor. She didn't have much more time left before she was finished and I remeber saying goodbye but not like before, I knew I'd see her again. And then my friend took me up to the marina on the river, where we'd take a boat back up to the village. I really did not want to go back there, I knew my wife and children needed me at home and felt robbed and helpless that I was being taken away from them again. I also didn't want them in that vilalge with me either, but my desire to be with them to protect them was greater. I was a prisoner in every sense of the word; even though i was free to go anywhere and do anything in the village i had come from, I was still a prisoner.
I should have mentioned this in church, but I was so tired I couldn't think clearly at all. I slept while I waited for the ferry, slept on the ferry, got home, had a little something for lunch, and then slept from 3-7. I don't know why I was so tired, I've had less sleep than that before and been more awake, but yeah. I'm not saying I think there is a meaning to this one (it is no more strange than all my other dreams that I have, like the one i had between 3 and 7) but for some reason, when i woke up I felt a heaviness and i rarely ever get that from my dreams... a heaviness.
Anyways, if you're the praying type, say a little prayer for me

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