
I really like to play with photography.


1 year

Hey there folks,

So these past few days have been the 1 year anniverasry of the start of the Danielle situation. Hard to believe that that has already been a year ago. Sadly, the effects of what happened still have a mark on my life and I don't know if i can ever truly ever heal fully. Too much happened, too many mistakes were made, too many words were said, too many promises were broken, on both sides. I am not proud by the way i handled that at all, and I am not proud i broke the promises I made to Danielle. I think one of the images hat will stay with me for the rest of my life is one of the two of us passing eachother in the hallway. We were both alone and I just glared at her. I remember seeing the look in her eyes, they were so broken, so sad, and so burdened; i felt so bad. I had promised her that I wouldn't hurt her and that I would never leave her alone. Some friend I turned out to be. I abandoned the one person who seemed to actually care about me at school. Sure, I have a couple others i havn't stopped talking to, but she was different, our friendship went so much deeper than any other friendship I had there. Anyways, that's enough reminiscingfor tonight i think.

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