
I really like to play with photography.


Random Bush Stories

So this is a picture of a river near my place. Absolutely gorgeous isn't it? I'm someone who loves nature and when I see pictures like this, it makes me just want to be there.
For those of you who don't know, and I am sure that is almost everyone who reads this blog. I am a sound engineer currently working in the bush unti I can find something in my own field of expertise. I love the outdoors a lot. I complain about work sometimes only because when I am working, I have no time to appreciate the wilderness I am in, I don't have any time to explore, and I can't choose when I want to go out or where. So I end up just not liking my job at all and can get really frustrated sometimes. However, I've hadsome of the most amazing experiences while working in the bush. Like just a few weeks ago I had a squirrel use my head as a platform for escape. You see, my partners dog had been digging at this root wad for some time and I was sitting down on a log nearby. We were doing a re-sweep of a cruise that had failed so i didn't really have much to do at the time. As i was sitting there thinking, I kind of felt something brush my arm and then, I was hit in the head. I thought it was my partner and i truned to him but he was too far away. But then he said something that clued me in, he said "Oh, looks like it got away from you Hudson!". I knew immediately what had happened. The squirrel he had been digging for got real panicked and decided to take a gamble by running right for a human and using it's head as a platform to jump to a nearby tree. I couldn't believe it when I first realized what had happened to me. The poor thing must have been absolutley terrified to pull a stunt like that. What makes it even more funny is that I had almost decided to stand up a split second before all this occoured. If i had, the quirrel would have been airborne and unable to change it's trajectory. In which case, I would have been wearing that thing in my shoulder, rather than my head and Yeah, things would have gotten interesting from there; it would have been a true 'Goofey' moment to behold, everything going wrong at once.
A few days later I had a deer come within 10 feet of trampling me. My partners dog (same dog) decided it would be fun to chase them around a block we were GPS'ing at the time and this stupid thing came bounding over a small bump/hill of which i was standing at the base. I yelled 'Whoa deer!' and it took an immediate right hand turn and bounded off. I thought for a second it was a bear and panicked because i had left my bear spray in the truck.
Anyways, those are just a few of my bush stories; I've had many over the years!

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